Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oh, Hey! It's a special day!

Oh, hey blog! What's up!? Sorry I've been ignoring you for a while. A month and a day to be exact. I've just been super swamped at work and haven't had time to think about bloggable things.

Today however, I had a very special day at work and thought that you may be interested in hearing about it. Not much happened, really. Except that I found out a client of mine's apartment had been raided by the police. "Why?", you ask - well, they were harboring a fugitive. Some guy who has had a warrent out for his arrest for quite some time and, from the sounds of it, has been staying there for a few months. "Well, is your client ok?". Oh, blog -you're so considerate. My client is doing ok. They did not happen to be there at this time as they were out on a drug run. No word yet on if they will face charges of any kind. They will however, be exiting my program.

Well, that's the news of the day. Thanks for listening, blog. You're the best!
