Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I Bet You Never Knew...

Today my boss called me into her office because she had received an L&I claim. She proceeded to tell me that when she gets these, she usually freaks out because an employee has cited an "on-the-job" injury and our rates skyrocket. She began to freak out this time, as expected, until she realized that it wasn't an employee or anyone making a claim against us. It was a statement from L&I informing us that one of my clients had claimed ME as their MEDICAL SERVICE PROVIDER. Bet you never knew I went to medical school did you? That's probably because I didn't. I went to Western Washington. For Human Services. And I'm a HOUSING case manager. I focus on HOUSING. I helped her get a HOUSE.

Mind you, this is the same client that answered the door with no pants on and always tells me about "the aliens".

Anyways, I had to call her today and have her change it, so L&I could have accurate legal information. Kinda too bad though...Dr. Ashley has a nice ring to it...

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