Friday, May 15, 2009

Reasons You Should Be Jealous Of My Job

1. Last week on the phone, a client dubbed me "Agent Ashley" and continued to pretend like we were talking on walkie-talikies the rest of our phone conversation.

2. Once, a client told me that he should not be kicked out of his hotel where he was explicitly told not to bring his dog in the room on numerous occassions, because he didn't bring his dog in 95% of the time. He then asked if he should wait for the police to come (as he was told they would be if he didn't leave immediately) and told me he would lie to them if I wanted him to. I hope you know I strongly encouraged him not to do so.

3. A client signed a lease this week that prohibts her from smoking inside her rental unit. Two days after moving in, I dropped in at her apartment and after smelling the obviously cigarette smoke infused apartment, asked her about it. She told me that she had infact smoked in her apartment that morning, but that it was ok because she smoked outside her apartment "yesterday". You do the math.

4. Sometimes my clients call me after hours (I'm talking 11, 12, 1, 2) just cause they're bored (no, I don't answer).

5. A random person walked into my office hoping to receive services. Her arms and hands were full and covered with a jacket. I was not paying too much attention as she sat down and got situated and I cleared the files I was working on off my desk. Toward the end of our converstation, she reached down and picked what was unmistakably a half drunk Rasberry Ale. She proceeded to finish it. In my office.

6. A client once told me he was going to vote for Bush. In January. This January.

7. Yesterday, I went to a client's apartment to a drop in. It was a scheduled appointment. She wasn't wearing pants. Don't know about the underwear...she was wearing only a long shirt.

**Rediculous clients aside, I absolutely love my job and the people I work with at Lydia Place. They're the best. I just thought I'd share some of my daily joys with you.


  1. I kinda am jealous of your job. I wouldn't be good at it though...I would prob be drinking a raspberry ale with the client.

  2. Plus I like your new blog.

    AND I don't like the verification thing I have to type every time I comment. You should do something about it.

    I like you.

  3. Ok, I will do something about it. I like you too...and you prob would be good at my job, but I wouldn't doubt your ability to drink with clients either.
