Monday, February 9, 2009

If You Love Me...

You will buy me this puppy...

For reals. This beats Ricky the cat time a gillion. Also, I would have made it an actual video link, but I've tried about 27 times and for some reason it won't let me so you have to click on it yourself. But I promise it's worth it.


  1. A. He was pretty cute.

    B. He probably would poo in your bed more than Ricky...

    I would choose Ricky.

    Scratch that, I want a lab puppy. My puppy would look cute AND never go in my bed.

  2. Fact: Bichon's never poop in your bed. Its proven. They are the worlds smartest animal. Your point B is greatly flawed.

    Also, your lab puppy would be cute, but not as cute as Jack the Bichon puppy who can fetch a tennis ball.
