As I previously mentioned, Brian is the most obsessed with le Tour de France (a 20 day long journey all across France as we learned). To him and everyone else, I would like to ask this question: Why? Why in the world is this so cool? WHY?
I have been watching now for half an hour and do you want to know what's happened? Nothing. A million guys on a million bikes have biked. In one large clump. That's it. That is the only thing that has happened. Yes, they have gone through some curves and yes, a few people have changed their position, but that is actually it.
And this happens for 4-6 hours a day. And all of it is broadcast. FOR 20 DAYS!!!!!!!!!! How can so many people watch a large group of people do nothing exciting but ride their bikes for that long for that many days!?!?!?!?
I don't get it....
Something else I found out was that they ride in teams. Even though one person still wins, they are on a "team". I don't get that either.
I'm going to rename le Tour de France. It's new name is le Tour de Dumb.
Your renaming sucked. More creativity please.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should rename it to try to make it more insteresting.
Like "Tear off your Pants." (see how that rhymes AND it would be more interesting?)
How in the world does that rhyme? Your attempt to rename my renaming sucked. Plus, that would only work if they actually did take off there pants. If I renamed it that, everyone would be disappointed when they watched and no one took off their pants...especially cause of how boring it already is.
ReplyDeleteBore de France is my sugestion. Or Tour de Boredom. Either way.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the neck line of their shirts are quite....interesting. I've never noticed before. Do they serve a purpose or just show off chest hair? Dunno