Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Blog Stuff

Heyo! Well, the 2 votes are in and my new blog name is one that I did not suggest but like nonetheless. If you don't know what it is, you can look at the top of the page. If you don't notice a change, well then you're either a)the least observent person in the world, b)never read my blog or c) an new friend that I probably just offeded. With the new name, I have also changed my blog URL. I did like "storyofa-love" but again, I'm no longer A-Love. Due to both my lack of creativity and my desire for easy recollection, I simply changed my new URL to So, you can find me here from now on! I hope tha you guys continue to read despite the drastic changes that have been made recently in my life. That is all.

Love, peace, and hair grease.

(my BFF in the 8th grde used to say that all the time)

Thursday, April 23, 2009


SYTYCD (aka So You Think You Can Dance for you non-obsessed folk) is starting up again on May 21st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT WAIT!!

Also, Nicole showed me how to make the videos appear! I think I will go back and edit some old posts to get the video in!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ok, so.....

For some redonk reason, the video on the link I last posted is no longer available. So here is a new one. Watch it for reals! I'm telling you, you will get goosebumps!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


A new FAME is coming out!!!!! It pretty much looks like the best dance movie ever and I am the most excited!! The only problem is that it does not come out until September 25th and I actually don't think that I can wait!

Also, my computer is the dumbest and will not for ever let me post videos on here, so I just had to post a link....but you should really go watch it!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Time to Change

This morning, I had this unfortunately rediculous song stuck in my head. Inexplicably. It was a special drive to work.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why I Love My Husband: Reason #17

Yesterday I borrowed his car. In the CD player was none other than Avril Lavigne.